SSQC's hands-on staff consultants and instructors can apply their extensive experience in software engineering, software process improvement (SPI), and assessments to assist you and
your team in the creation of a robust set of software development practices that lead to continuous improvement. We've worked in the trenches as software developers, software testers, and
managers of development and third-party development in companies ranging from fast-paced Agile internet start-ups, to large established systems providers.
SSQC can assist your team to:
Identify and provide consulting and training in various software engineering models for
quality such as Agile Methods, Lean Methods, CMMI, ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 90003, ISO 15504 (SPICE), and ISO 12207
As an SEI Partner, SSQC offers a variety of appraisal services to include the SEI's SCAMPI A, SCAMPI B, SCAMPI C, and SSQC's own HM2 - Hybrid Multi-Model method.
Assess your organization's current software and hardware engineering capabilities and practices and provide solutions based on the results. SSQC can provide assessments based on
the SEI's CMMI, ISO 9001:2000 or a hybrid of both models.
Assess your third party subcontractor's current software and hardware engineering capabilities and practices and provide a risk assessment based on the results
Identify, define, and refine critical process and product measurements and metrics
Define and document standards, procedures and methods for:
Life Cycle Model(s) and graphically represent the flow of work among groups
Requirements Engineering, Software Development Planning and Estimation
Design, Development, Test, Maintenance, and Support activities
Reporting and monitoring progress and lessons learned
Reviews (Code, Design, Peer Reviews, Walkthroughs)
Managing projects through the Life Cycle
Software Metrics for all phases of development, maintenance, and support
Assessing the software and hardware engineering capabilities of present and potential suppliers
Assessing the software and hardware engineering capabilities of internal organizations
Risk Assessments